Thursday, June 25, 2009

Out of sight, out of mind.

Doesn seem to be true at all =(

And the greatest of these is Love =) 2:13 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ok since my devotional email for today was about not complaining, I SHALL NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT MID-YEARS! =)

And the greatest of these is Love =) 7:11 PM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

After having to apply nail polish for last friday's performance, I realised that nail therapy is indeed quite effective! So for those of you out there who are stressed out with studying, go paint your nails!!

I had a pleasant surprise when my dad came for the Kith and Kin event, cause he has never come for any church-organised events before. I was initially quite doubtful that he would really come, and it wasn't until I saw him seated at the table that I really believed he came =) And what's even more surprising is that he won a DVD player in the lucky draw! being one of the ten ppl out of about 300 ppl to win sth in the lucky draw doesn't seem much like luck to me. It seems as though God played a part in it. =)

Of course the fact that he came and won sth doesn say anything abt him becoming a Christian yet, but I feel that God is trying to say that He has heard our prayers and He has a marvellous plan for my dad's salvation. And all I can say is: Praise the Lord! =)

When we pray, God is working in the invisible realm that we can't see with our eyes.

And the greatest of these is Love =) 2:44 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is pretty random, but I wonder if anyone saw the sunset ytd? One moment it was just an ordinary blue sky, and the next moment a tinge of red stretched out amidst the blue- the marvellous work of our Creator. =)

I saw this just as I was getting worried abt how I was going to finish studying for mid-yrs because there really seem to be so many topics for every subject! And gone are the days of olevel amaths where you can just make sure you understand the concepts and go ahead for the exam and still do well. Now besides understanding the topics, you still have to practise and practise and practise. And I dunno if it's just me but I really take a long time to do a few miserable maths questions! Thank God for encouraging Scripture verses placed strategically on the study table though. =)

I watched Night at the Museum 2 on Monday with my sis, she initially wanted to watch Hannah Montana but too bad it was filling fast. I feel kind of guilty actually cause I should be studying, but oh well, the movie is really nice! Even better that the first one. =) I guess this movie will probably be the last movie I watch for a long long time,about five to six months, to be exact.

Till then , I shall be keeping my lecture notes company.

And the greatest of these is Love =) 12:12 PM

Thursday, June 4, 2009

God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed in the Garden of Eden,

but they chose to focus on the one thing they could not have.

And the greatest of these is Love =) 12:33 PM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last two days I have been taking more than one and a half hours to reach home, due to lovely long bus rides =) first was 853 from church on Sunday, then 960 from the Esplanade ytd. There's sth really nice abt long bus rides, provided you have a seat of course. One can just stare blankly into space, or out of the window and look at what everyone is doing ( voyeurism as usual ), sleep, or even pray!

And ytd's buffet at Sakae confirmed my suspicions that I am definitely not 'buffet material', as Josephine calls it. In fact the part I enjoyed most was the dessert! Hmmm I think it will be a really long time before I go for a buffet again.

We spend our strength extinguishing fires that, if left alone, would burn out on their own.
Came across this line in an devotional email, and I guess its kind of true for me. I really need to learn how to lay it all aside, to cast my cares on the Lord, and look to Him in faith. =)

And the greatest of these is Love =) 2:20 PM

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